14 March 2024

Week 1: Weigh-ins, jabs, and fancy footwork!

Well, that was a cracking start to the program. Pete “Precious” Panigiris was thrown into the deep end, learning his left from right and establishing he might have an eyesight problem.

From early morning runs to an athlete’s diet, can he keep up with the rigorous training program until the end?

Follow Pete’s journey to find out!

Remember to donate to the Starlight Children’s Foundation here.

Pete’s week 1 highlights:

Monday marked the inaugural clash with my potential adversaries – fear not, for there's nothing I can't conquer!

Tuesday dawned with us donning our new gear, and the entire week was spent refining our footwork, which, might I add, was in dire need of some TLC!

What’s in my kit bag I hear you say? Headgear (not that it does much protecting of my precious schnoz). A singlet that could be better fitting. And of course, gloves and hand wraps for these might hands.

At the first weigh-in, the scale begrudgingly announced my weight in the triple digits– a hefty blow indeed!

I've initiated a regimen of skipping, running, and pumping iron. I will transform into a boxing beast in no time. Although, my jab is still as weak as a forced apology, and slower than dial-up internet.

Ah, diet – the nemesis of many a warrior! Alas, bidding farewell to those succulent burgers and delectable treats feels like a Shakespearean tragedy unfolding before my eyes. Instead, I'm resigned to a culinary existence consisting of baked oats, tuna salad, and fish dinners. Did someone say KFC?

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